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1.Columns: Accepted formats include expert forum,expert consensus,research reports, research studies,scientific reviews, comprehensive study. Nursing personnel from all over China are encouraged to submit their manuscripts. 
2.Manuscripts should be innovative, scientific, advanced and practical, with clear arguments, ample evidence, accurate data andsound logical reasoning. They should be rigorously structured, well organized, and use refined sentences exhibiting standardized language and terminology. 

3.Author names should be listed sequentiallyaccording to level of contribution.Co-first authorship is not permitted. Please also include a brief biography of the first author, including institutional affiliationand street address, city, provinceandzipcode.If the paper is the result of a project funded by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of Chinaor addresses a key research topic or other topicsspecific to a province or a ministry, please specify this information, as follows: “This topic is based on a project sponsored by the XXX Fund”at the bottom of the front page and attach a photocopy of the fund certification. If the achievement was awarded a patent certification, please indicate the patent number and attach a photocopy of the patent certificate.

①The author is responsible for the content of the submitted manuscript.In accordance withthe relevant guidelines under copyright law, if the author does not allow any modificationsto the text,does not consent to reprintsof the manuscript or excerptsin other publications, does not permitthe manuscript’s recording, reproduction, dissemination and distribution in various electronic databases, on the internet, or in the form of CDs, please declare these conditions when submitting the manuscriptto ensure it is processed accordingly. Non-declaration of such conditions shall be deemed as indicating acceptance of modifications to the text, partial or full reprints, and reproductions and distributions in other formats. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and offenders are solely responsible for adverse consequences resulting from alleged plagiarism. Due to the journal’s limited human resource capacity, submitted manuscripts will not be returned. Authors are advised to retain a copy for themselves and to refrain from submitting the manuscript to another journal until receiving notification of rejection. If a manuscript is accepted for publication following review, the first author will be informed through emails or text messages and must sign an authorization letter to publish the manuscript. When a manuscript is returned for amendment, please revise and return the manuscript as soon as possible. Manuscriptsrequiring amendment that are not received within 3 monthswill be rejected. The author names of a manuscript recommended for publication should not be changed.
②The journal accepts only previously unpublished manuscripts. Manuscripts cannot be published in multiple journals.

③The content of the manuscript should be drawn from authentic sources and must not breach confidentiality, be submitted to multiple publications and or be subject to authorship disputes, among other issues.Research papers involving animal experiments and clinical trials should include a report on conflicts of interest (including authors, source of research resources, whether the author(s) has/have access to the research data, and an explanation of the acquisition process). Please also indicate in the manuscript whether approval has been obtained from an ethics committee (attach a photocopy of the audit document from the ethics committee(s)) as well as whether the manuscript contains confidential information.Manuscripts that do not declare this information will be deemed to exclude confidential information.To the editorial board: When the manuscript is received, please indicatewhether the manuscript contains confidential information . If the manuscript is submitted to another journal, oureditorial department should be informed beforehand. The editorial department has the right to make changes to submitted manuscripts.The editorial department will contact the first authorregardingall manuscript-related matters.
④Following publication, the submitted manuscript will be incorporated into databases such as“China Academic Journals (CD version),” “Digital Periodicals” within the resources system of the ChinaInfowebsite,the China Journals Full-text Database (CJFD), the Chinese Academic Journals Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED),the Chinese Science and Technology Papers and Citations Database (Chinese Science and Technology Core Journals),theChinese Science and Technology Journals Database (CSTJ) and Chinese Core Journals (selected) Databaseof Source Journals. Two copies of the current issue will be provided, and payment of remuneration will be made (includingfor manuscripts in the above electronic journal).