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      Chinese Nursing Research began in 1987 under the name Shanxi Nursing Journal and initially established its editorial department in the Fenyang Higher Nursing School.To satisfy the developmental demands of the journal, the editorial department moved to the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University at the end of 1992. With the strong support of the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University leadership, the journal was introduced to the public in 1994.Thus,the journal joined the ranks of many national publications, entering a period of stable development between 1994 and 2000.In August 2000,the Shanxi Nursing Journal was renamedChinese Nursing Research, and the journal underwent rapid development.Chinese Nursing Researchhas not only received praise from many experts in domestic nursing society but has also joined the ranks of world nursing publications with tens of thousands of readers. It has become a guiding influence for people in nursing education, nursing research, clinical nursing and community nursing. In 2001, it was recognized by the Shanxi Province Human Resource Department and the Shanxi Province Health Department as a national-gradeequivalent journal andbecame jointly managed by the Chinese Nursing Society and the Shanxi Province Health Department. In 2002,following approval by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National News Publication Bureau, it was named “a double-effect journal of the Chinese Periodical Matrix” andbecame one of the key recommended journals for foreign countries after China became a memberof the World Trade Organization,in addition toa Chinese Science and Technology Core Journal.The fundamentals of the journal also improved, and the number of pages increased from 48 to 64 in 2001. In 2002, the journal become a monthly periodical and in 2003, a bi-monthly periodical. The publication cycle was shortened, improving the publication rate and securing most research manuscripts, thereby building a solid foundation for its development. In 2003, the number of research articles featured in the journal was 54. In 2004, that number increased to 123, making the journal among the topmost nursing journals in China.With an impact factor of 1.58,it ranks first among nursing journals.In 2003, its editorial department merged with and reorganized the nearly bankruptChinese Medicine Research journal, which it renamed the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-/Cerebrovascular Disease. The latter benefitted from the publication experience and resources of Chinese Nursing Research to become a relatively influential journal in China on the topic of integrated western and traditional Chinese medicine. It was named a Chinese Science and Technology Core Journal. According to the “Implementation of Reforms to Non-political Journal Publishing System in Shanxi Province,”Chinese Nursing Research underwent a successful transformation in May 2011as a pilot unit in the first batch of companies selected for corporate restructuring. After reaching aconsensus with Chinese General NursingandtheChinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-/Cerebrovascular Disease, Shanxi Medical Periodical Press was integrated and established.Shanxi Medical Periodical Press’sdevelopmental objective is to becomeanursing-focused academic publishing company with the highest level of core competitiveness within China, relying on mature journals such as Chinese Nursing Research, Chinese General Nursing,andtheChinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-/Cerebrovascular Disease to continue its development. In 2014, Shanxi Medical Periodical Presssuccessfully bid for 2 journals,Chinese Nursing Research (English edition) and Evidence-based Nursing, In 2018Chinese Nursing Research (English edition) changed its name to Frontiers of Nursing.further refining the classification of nursing journals.Shanxi Medical Periodical Press has published 5 journals, namely Chinese Nursing Research,Frontiers of Nursing,Chinese General Nursing,Evidence-based NursingandtheChinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-/Cerebrovascular DiseaseChinese Nursing Research has become a premium, leading academic journalfor nursing in Chinaand may be destined to extend its influence on issues of human health to countries beyond China.