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Volume 38 , Number 7 , 2024 Publication date:2024-04-10Contents page PDF Download Contents

Scientific research

Multidimensional symptom network analysis of patients after percutaneous coronary intervention

LI Yue,CHEN Wuxian,LI Gaoye,LU Yaoqiong,CUI Jiasheng Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To understand the multidimensional symptom experience of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI),construct a symptom network of patients after PCI,explore the core symptoms in the symptom network,and provide evidence to support personalized interventions. Methods: Patients undergoing PCI in a hospital in Guangxi were selected from December 2021 to December 2022.The incidence and severity of symptoms associated with post⁃PCI were investigated using general information,symptom assessment and the 9⁃item Healthy People Depression Scale;their core symptoms were analysed by network analysis using Gaussian models,and the associations between individual symptoms and demographic,lifestyle and disease factors after PCI were explored based on correlation and regression analysis combined with a mixed symptom network model. Results: The most frequent symptom after PCI was pressure point pain(90.5%),and to a higher degree of severity was fatigue;in the Gaussian network,pressure point pain played a bridging role in the whole network; in the mixed network,the Number of stents had a strong direct association with GI symptoms,sleep disturbance symptoms,panic symptoms,lower limb numbness symptoms and agoraphobia symptoms,depression had a direct association with fatigue symptoms and attitude to life had a direct association with sleep disturbance symptoms. Conclusions: Painful symptom at the point of compression is the primary concern in patients after PCI,and the number of stents fitted often interacts with symptoms such as digestive tract,anxiety and sleep disturbance.Future studies are necessary to establish dynamic symptom networks and centrality index trajectories in longitudinal data to explore the causal relationship between the above symptoms and disease.

Preliminary analysis of CD41 monoclonal antibody failed to establish a mouse model of chronic immune thrombocytopenia

ZHANG Jun,ZHU Ruifang,LYU Yaru,LI Ruolan,ZHANG Shuwen,LI Na,SONG Kai,ZENG Jinghui,HAN Shifan Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: CD41 monoclonal antibody(MWReg30) was injected into Balb/c mice at different times and doses to investigate whether this method can construct a stable model of chronic Immune thrombocytopenia(ITP).After the modeling,the extract of Codonopsis pilosula was used to intervene the mice,in order to clarify its adjustment effect on abnormal platelet count of model mice. Methods: Firstly,chronic ITP model was established in Balb/c mice using MWReg30,and the effect of Codonopsis pilosula's extract on the model mice was investigated after antibody injection.Subsequently,different groups of mice were given a second injection and a double dose of MWReg30 to determine whether the increase in the number of injections and dose was conducive to the establishment of chronic ITP model. Results: It was confirmed that the method of injecting MWReg30 into mice could not keep the platelet number of Balb/c mice at a low level for a long time,so the method could not establish a stable chronic ITP model,and it was difficult to achieve this purpose by increasing the number and dose of antibody injection. However,second and double dose injections of MWReg30 resulted platelet count antibody rebound to higher levels within 7 days and 14 days after the end of the injection,and the low dose of Codonopsis pilosula extract could decrease the abnormal platelet count of the model mice. Conclusion: The intraperitoneal injection of MWReg30 in mice could not reproduce stable chronic ITP models,and whether this method can be an ideal way to construct chronic ITP models remains to be further confirmed.Increasing the injection dose of MWReg30 can prolong the maintenance time of low platelet count in model mice,and low dose of Codonopsis pilosula extract may correct the abnormal elevated platelet count in model mice.

Association of dietary vitamin B intake during pregnancy with the risk of preeclampsia and its clinical subtypes

SONG Zexin,LI Yulin,LI Jinbo,FENG Yongliang,YANG Hailan,ZHANG Yawei,WANG Suping,WU Weiwei Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To explore the relationship between dietary vitamin B intake during pregnancy and the risk of preeclampsia(PE) and its clinical subtypes,so as to provide reference for the effective implementation of PE nursing intervention. Methods: A total of 9 350 pregnant women who gave birth in the obstetrics department of a tertiary class A hospital from March 2012 to September 2016 were selected as the research objects.General demographic characteristics and dietary intake during pregnancy were collected.The effects of dietary vitamin B intake during pregnancy on the risk of PE and its clinical subtypes were analyzed by unconditioned logistic regression model. Results: Dietary vitamin B intake during pregnancy was associated with the risk of PE development.Dietary vitamin B intake at ≥13.70 mg/d、13.74 mg/d levels during the first and second trimesters was a protective factor for early⁃onset preeclampsia(EOPE).9.65~<13.74 mg/d、9.63~<13.72 mg/d levels during the second and third trimesters were a protective factor for late⁃onset preeclampsia(LOPE).In pregnant women with normal pre⁃pregnancy BMI,vitamin B intake reaching ≥13.70 mg/d level in early pregnancy could reduce the risk of EOPE.9.65~<13.74 mg/d、9.63~<13.72 mg/d levels during the second and third trimesters reduced the risk of LOPE.In pregnant women with pre⁃pregnancy BMI≥24.0 kg/m,vitamin B intake at 9.45~<13.70 mg/d、9.65~<13.74 mg/d、9.63~<13.72 mg/d level during early,the second and third trimesters were associated with a lower risk of LOPE. Conclusions: Dietary vitamin B intake in pregnant women with different pre⁃pregnancy BMI was associated with the incidence of PE and its clinical subtypes.Medical staff should guide pregnant women to practice self⁃care,strengthen monitoring of pre-pregnancy BMI,and ensure adequate intake of dietary vitamin Bfor pregnant women,thereby reducing the risk of developing PE.

Construction of a structural equation model for healthy lifestyle and health literacy in postoperative patients with high⁃grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix(HSIL)

ZHAO Na,TIAN Zhaoxia,LI Hongmei,ZHAO Min Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: By constructing a structural equation model of the impact of health literacy on healthy lifestyle in postoperative patients with high⁃grade squamous intraepithelial lesions(HSIL) of the cervix,we quantitatively analyze the pathways through which health literacy affects healthy lifestyle in the model. Methods: Using cognitive behavior theory as the theoretical framework,a structural equation model is constructed to quantitatively analyze the impact of various components of health literacy on a healthy lifestyle,and to identify the main influencing factors of a healthy lifestyle.Path coefficients are used to analyze the functional pathways of various dimensions of health literacy on a healthy lifestyle. Results: The constructed structural equation model has good overall adaptability,and the knowledge level of health literacy in postoperative patients with HSIL of the cervix positively predicts the self realization,exercise,nutrition,and interpersonal relationships of a healthy lifestyle(β were 0.270,0.251,0.128,0.270,respectively);Positive prediction of self actualization,health responsibility,exercise,nutrition,and coping with stress at the behavioral level( were 0.330,0.273,0.126,0.222,0.259,respectively);Positive prediction of self actualization,health responsibility,exercise,nutrition,interpersonal relationships,and coping with stress at the belief level(β were 0.292,0.250,0.262,0.127,0.201,0.151,respectively);Positive prediction of self actualization,health responsibility,nutrition,interpersonal relationships,and coping with stress at the functional level( were 0.299,0.263,0.334,0.211,0.200,respectively). Conclusions: The health literacy of patients after HSIL surgery has a strong ability to predict and explain healthy lifestyles.

Application effect analysis of five cognitive function screening scales in the elderly

ZHANG Xiaojing,SUN Jiying,XIAO Weizhong,ZHANG Lili,REN Ning,YANG Zhenhua Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To explore the application effect of cognitive screening scales commonly used in memory clinics of tertiary Grade A general hospitals,so as to provide a reference for the diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders. Methods: A total of 155 patients who were admitted to the memory clinic from October 2020 to May 2022 and complained of memory loss were selected.After initial diagnosis by a neurologist,they were prescribed cognitive impairment screening with the consent of the patients.After the appointment,the Chinese version of ACE⁃Ⅲ,MMSE,CDT4,MoCA,AD8 and ADL scales were screened by nurses with cognitive screening training qualification.The patients brought the cognitive screening results,relevant laboratory and imaging examination to the neurology department for diagnosis and treatment. Results: Among the 155 patients,72 were in the normal group,38 were in the MCI group,and 45 were in the dementia group.The correlation between five cognitive screening scales and related factors showed that age,years of education,degree of cognitive impairment were more significantly correlated with the Chinese version of ACE⁃Ⅲ and MoCA.The area under the ROC curve of Chinese ACE⁃Ⅲ,MMSE,MoCA and AD8 in MCI group was 0.698⁃0.788,and the specificity of MoCA,Chinese ACE⁃Ⅲ and AD8 in MCI diagnosis was 78.9%,76.3% and 73.7%,respectively.The sensitivity was 70.8%,58.3% and 56.9%,respectively.The area under ROC curve of the Chinese version of ACE⁃Ⅲ,MMSE and MoCA was between 0.915⁃0.931.The sensitivity of MMSE,Chinese version of ACE⁃Ⅲ and MoCA for dementia diagnosis was 91.7%,84.7% and 83.3%,and the highest specificity was 86.7%,84.4% and 84.4%,respectively. Conclusion: MoCA and the Chinese version of ACE⁃Ⅲ should be used in the memory clinic of ClassⅢGrade A general hospitals for elderly patients with memory loss and certain educational background.The accuracy of cognitive screening scale in MCI screening was MoCA>Chinese ACE⁃Ⅲ>AD8,and the accuracy of dementia screening was MMSE>Chinese ACE⁃Ⅲ>MoCA.

Predictive value of LFI combined with CTP score for complex adverse events of liver disease in cirrhotic patients

YILIYAER Guzainuer,JING Jinhua,YU Hong,WANG Guozhen,DU Huiling,WANG Jingxin,GUO Feng Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To explore the predictive value of LFI combined with Child⁃Turcotte⁃Pugh for complex adverse events in patients with cirrhosis,and to provide evidence for early identification of adverse outcomes and formulation of intervention measures. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study.A total of 259 inpatients diagnosed with cirrhosis in the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University from January to July 2022 were selected.LFI assessment was completed within 48 hours after admission,and they were divided into frailty group and control group according to LFI index.A mean follow⁃up of 6.33 months was conducted to observe complex adverse events of liver disease,including hepatology⁃related complications and hepatology⁃related deaths.Cox proportional risk regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of liver disease complex adverse events.The area under ROC curve was used to evaluate the predictive value of LFI combined with CTP score and MELD score for liver disease complex adverse events.At the same time,Kaplan⁃Meier survival analysis was used to study the survival of patients in the two groups. Results: 204 cases were included in this study.There were 54 cases(26.5%) of hepatic complex adverse events,including 15 cases(7.4%) of death.A multivariate Cox proportional risk regression model was used,and the results showed that LFI,albumin,nutritional risk,and weekly activity level may be influencing factors for the occurrence of liver disease composite adverse events.The area under the curve(AUC) of LFI combined with CTP score and MELD score to predict complex adverse events of liver disease were 0.85 and 0.83,respectively.Kaplan⁃Meier survival analysis indicated that the incidence of liver complex adverse events and mortality in the frailty group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Conclusions: Frailty,nutritional risk,low protein level and low activity level are the influencing factors of adverse events in patients with cirrhosis.LFI combined with CTP and MELD score was more effective in predicting complex adverse events of liver disease in patients with cirrhosis.

Study on the consistency of evaluating sleep quality between patients and nurses using Richards⁃Campbell Sleep Questionnaire

TANG Kaihua,CHEN Qiuxiang,WU Huiling,MA Jinru,WANG Gaohua Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To investigate the self-reported sleep quality of ICU patients and the feasibility of daily sleep assessment,and to explore the consistency between patients and nurses in evaluating patients' nighttime sleep quality using the Richards⁃Campbell Sleep Questionnaire(RCSQ). Methods: 140 intensive care patients admitted to our hospital from October 2022 to July 2023 were selected.Nurses and patients completed night sleep quality evaluations using RCSQ.Paired t⁃tests,Intra⁃class correlation coefficient(ICC),and Bland Altman plot were used to compare the consistency of nurse patient evaluations. Results: A total of 727 sleep reports were collected from 101 patients,with a total average sleep score of 52.28.93(92.1%) patients completed at least one report,and 80(79.2%) patients provided two or more reports.A total of 101 patients completed 299 nurse patient matching evaluations,with ICC values ranging from 0.31 to 0.59,with a correlation ranging from average to moderate.Nurses scored higher than patients in terms of sleep depth,awakening,return to sleep,and total sleep scores(<0.05). Conclusions: RCSQ is highly feasible for sleep assessment.Sleep reports indicate that ICU patients have poor sleep quality,and nurses tend to overestimate the perceived sleep quality of patients.

Current status and influencing factors of couple communication patterns in stroke patients

LIU Zhiwei,MEI Yongxia,ZHANG Zhenxiang,LIN Beilei,CHEN Suyan,LIU Xiao,LI Xin,YUAN Yan Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To investigate the status of couple communication patterns in stroke patients and to analyze their influencing factors. Methods: A convenience sampling method was used to select 381 stroke patients from the neurology departments of six tertiary hospitals in Henan Province from October 2022 to April 2023.General information questionnaire,modified Rankin Scale,Chinese Family Resilience Questionnaire,Perceived Social Support Scale,Quality of Relationship Index and Communication Pattern Questionnaire were used for the survey.Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of couple communication patterns. Results: Stroke patients scored(10.74±8.69)for constructive communication,(17.83±9.07)for demand-withdraw communication,and (8.64±4.85) for mutual avoidance and withholding communication.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that patients' gender,monthly per capita household income,post⁃illness work status,duration of illness,number of strokes,number of comorbidities,presence of language dysfunction,knowledge of their illness,family resilience,social support,and intimacy were the influencing factors of couple communication patterns(<0.05). Conclusion: Constructive communication in stroke patients needs to be improved,and healthcare professionals should develop targeted interventions based on influencing factors of couple's communication patterns in order to help couples cope with the disease positively and improve their communication patterns,thus reducing their negative emotions.

Predictive ability of postoperative delirium and serum interleukin⁃6 on postoperative cognitive dysfunction in patients after coronary artery bypass grafting

PENG Tingting,DENG Xun,WU Ying,ZHANG Shan Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To investigate the role of postoperative delirium(POD) and serum interleukin⁃6(IL⁃6) in predicting postoperative cognitive dysfunction(POCD) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG). Methods: 187 patients in intensive care unit of cardiac surgery were enrolled by convenience sampling.The cognitive function was measured by the Mini⁃Mental State Examination.The Logistic regression was used to determine the predictive value of POD and IL-6 to POCD,and areas under the curve(AUC) of the receiver operation characteristic curve was used to evaluate the predictive ability of the predictors to POCD. Results: The incidence of POCD was 37.91%.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of POCD in POD patients increased by 3.655 times(OR=3.655,95%CI 1.014⁃13.182).Patients with high IL⁃6 levels(≥830.50 pg/mL) at the 6 hours after surgery had a 5.042 fold increased risk of developing POCD(OR=5.042,95%CI 1.480⁃17.178).The predictive power of the two factors was stronger in the elderly than in the non⁃elderly(<0.05). Conclusions: POD and high IL⁃6 level at the 6 hours after surgery are effective indicators for predicting the occurrence of POCD.Healthcare providers should pay more attention to the screening of perioperative risk factors for POCD,and provide targeted interventions.

Latent profile analysis and its influencing factors of the readiness of clinical internship nursing students in universities in Shandong Province

XING Jiexia,WANG Wenjia,YU Lingjia Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To explore the current situation of work readiness of intern nursing students in colleges and universities in different regions of Shandong Province,and to analyze the differences in the potential characteristics of work readiness among different categories of nursing students,so as to provide reference for the development of targeted work readiness intervention programs. Methods: From September to October 2023,a total of 1 478 trainee nursing students from different regions of Shandong Province were selected for General Demographic Information,Work Readiness Scale,and Feedback Seeking Behavior Questionnaire,and conduct potential category analysis on job readiness. Results: The work readiness of 1 478 student nurses was categorized into three groups:low readiness group(26.05%);medium readiness group(41.88%);high readiness group(32.07%).Compared to high readiness group,females and lower feedback⁃seeking behaviors were more likely to include in the low readiness group;Compared to the high readiness group,females,undergraduate,lower feedback-seeking behaviors were more likely to include in the medium readiness group;Compared to the medium readiness group,the fewer feedback-seeking behaviors were more likely to be included in the low readiness group. Conclusion: The level of work readiness of nursing interns can be classified into 3 categories,and nursing administrators can improve the increase of feedback-seeking behaviors to enhance the work readiness of nursing students according to the clinical characteristics of the different types.

Latent profile analysis and its influencing factors of physical activity in patients with knee osteoarthritis

WANG Derong,WANG Aimin,CAI Shuo Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To analyze the latent profile analysis and its influencing factors of physical activity in patients with knee osteoarthritis(KOA),and provide reference for developing targeted intervention measures. Methods: A total of 260 KOA patients from outpatient departments of 3 hospitals in Qingdao were selected as subjects from July to December 2022.A general information questionnaire,International Physical Activity Questionnaire,knee osteoarthritis disease awareness questionnaire,and Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale were used to investigate patients. Results: The physical activity of KOA patients could be divided into two potential categories,one was exercise type(87.3%) and another was work type(12.7%).Age,place of residence,disease awareness,and exercise self⁃efficacy were the influencing factors of physical activity level. Conclusions: Medical staff should pay attention to the physical activity characteristics of different patients,provide personalized physical activity guidance and nursing interventions,in order to improve patient compliance with exercise,improve their physical activity levels,and delay disease progression.
Comprehensive research

Economic burden and influencing factors of hand⁃foot⁃mouth disease patients in Bao'an district of Shenzhen city

CHEN Chunyan,QIU Lixia,ZHAO Zhiyang,CHEN Yixiong,LI Jing,LIU Jinfeng,LI Shuzhen Show Abstract  Online reading 

Application of new medical restraint tools in senile dementia patients

GUAN Xihong,XIONG Changhui,DONG Yonghai,YU Xuehu,CHEN Gulin,DU Yaoting,LIU Yun Show Abstract  Online reading