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Volume 38 , Number 4 , 2024 Publication date:2024-02-25Contents page PDF Download Contents

Scientific research

Construction of perioperative nursing quality evaluation indicators system for total vena cava pulmonary artery anastomosis

KANG Ying,CHEN Yuan Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: Establishing a perioperative nursing quality evaluation indicators system for total vena cava pulmonary artery anastomosis to promote the continuous improvement of specialized nursing quality. Methods: Based on the framework of "three⁃dimensional quality evaluation model",the perioperative nursing quality evaluation indicators system for total vena cava pulmonary artery anastomosis was constructed by literature review,semi⁃structured interview and Delphi method. Results: The recovery rates of the two rounds of correspondence questionnaires were 100.00% and 93.33%.The expert authority coefficients were 0.896 and 0.923,and Kendall's W was 0.194 and 0.256(<0.001).The perioperative nursing quality evaluation indicators system for total vena cava pulmonary artery anastomosis included 3 first⁃level indicators,6 second⁃level indicators and 47 third⁃level indicators. Conclusion: The perioperative nursing quality evaluation indicators system for total vena cava pulmonary artery anastomosis was scientific and reliable,it could not only provide reference for the evaluation and management of specialized nursing quality in hospital management departments,but also provide guidance for specialized nursing.

Mediating effect of social anxiety and stigma on family caring and loneliness in breast cancer patients

WANG Ying,ZHU Zhenhua,ZHANG Ruixin,LIU Annuo,XU Xiaoqian,MA Xiujuan,JIN Yuru,ZHAI Jingfei,ZHANG Ying Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To explore the mediating role of social anxiety and stigma on family caring and loneliness in breast cancer patients,and to provide reference for intervention of loneliness in breast cancer patients. Methods: A total of 328 breast cancer patients from 8 hospitals in Anhui province between December 2021 and July 2022 were selected as the subjects by convenience sampling method.The Social Anxiety Subscale of the Self⁃Consciousness Scale(SASSC),the Social Impact Scale(SIS),the Adaptation,Partnership,Growth,Affection and Resolve(APGAR),and the University of California at Los Angles Loneliness Scale(UCLA) were used to conduct the questionnaire survey. Results: The total scores of SASSC,SIS,APGAR and UCLA in breast cancer patients were 11.72±5.33,59.51±12.98,6.84±3.67,and 49.20±9.14,respectively.There were negatively correlated with the total scores of APGAR and the total scores of UCLA(<0.05).There were positively correlated with the total scores of UCLA and the total scores of SASSC,SIS(all <0.05).Social anxiety and stigma played mediating role between family caring degree and loneliness in breast cancer patients. Conclusions: Family care could indirectly affect loneliness through the chain mediating effects of social anxiety and stigma among breast cancer patients.

Application of cognitive interview in the Chinese version of Non⁃Communicating Children's Pain Checklist⁃Revised

ZHAO Qian,ZHANG Xiyang,WANG Keyu,QIU Jiujun,CHEN Lilian Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To evaluate the understanding and cognitive process of the Non⁃Communicating Children's Pain Checklist⁃Revised(NCCPC⁃R) among the target population through cognitive interview,and to optimize the language expression of the scale,improve the content validity of the scale. Methods: Brislin translation model was used to translate the scale strictly,and the Chinese version of NCCPC⁃R was formed.A total of 19 caregivers of cerebral palsy children with communication disorders who were undergoing treatment in the department of child psychology and rehabilitation of Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Hospital from January to February 2023,were selected as interview subjects.3 rounds of cognitive interviews were conducted.Through expert group discussion and combining with the interview results,the items of the scale were modified without changing the sentence meaning. Results: The Chinese version of NCCPC⁃R included 7 dimensions and 30 items.The results of the first round of interview showed that there were 6 items with vague meaning and unclear expression,which needed to be revised.The results of the second round of interviews showed that one item was not clearly expressed and the meaning of the sentence was difficult to understand,and it needed to be revised.The results of the third round of interviews showed that all respondents could correctly understand the scale items. Conclusion: Cognitive interview can help the scale adapt to different cultural backgrounds,improve the target population's understanding and acceptance of the scale items,reduce cognitive bias,and improve the accuracy of the scale content.

Chinese version of interpersonal interaction quality scale in blended learning environment and its reliability and validity test

ZHOU Lirong,ZHANG Yongyi,CAO Moran,ZHAO Zhenzhen Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To translate the interpersonal interaction quality scale in blended learning environment,and to test its reliability and validity. Methods: The English versions of Online Learning Interaction Quality Scale(OLIQS)and Traditonal Learning Interaction Quality Scale(TLIQS) were translated into Chinese according to Brislin translation model.A total of 1 433 nursing students in a vocational college were investigated to test the reliability and validity of the scale. Results: The Chinese version of OLIQS included 2 dimensions of online teacher⁃student interaction and online student⁃student interaction, with a total of 10 items.The Chinese version of TLIQS included 3 dimensions of emotional support,classroom organization and teaching support,with a total of 10 items.The Cronbach's Alpha coefficients were 0.901 and 0.888,respectively. The item⁃level content validity index(I⁃CVI)ranged from 0.84 to 1.00.The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two subscales fit well,and the scale had good convergence validity and differential validity. Conclusion: The Chinese version of OLIQS and TLIQS had good reliability and validity,and could measure the interpersonal interaction quality of blended learning for nursing students in vocational colleges in China.

Construction of standardized lung rehabilitation plan of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

ZHOU Jun,GUO Hua Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To establish the standardized lung rehabilitation plan of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS),and to provide guidance for lung function rehabilitation in ARDS patients. Methods: A preliminary draft of the standardized lung rehabilitation plan of ARDS patients was developed based on evidence⁃based concepts,extracted the best evidence through systematic literature review.After 2 rounds of expert correspondence consultation,integrating expert opinions,the included items were revised and improved.Finally,the standardized pulmonary rehabilitation program of ARDS patients was established. Results: The recovery rates of the two rounds of correspondence questionnaires were 100%,expert authority coefficients were 0.853 and 0.872,and Kendall's W were 0.286 and 0.313(all <0.001).The standardized lung rehabilitation plan of ARDS patients included 4 aspects with pre⁃rehabilitation assessment,periodic assessment,phased implementation and rehabilitation related issues,involving 57 items. Conclusion: The standardized lung rehabilitation plan of ARDS patients was systematic,comprehensive,scientific and reliable,and the lung rehabilitation plans was specific and feasible.

Construction of nursing sensitivity outcome index for cancer chemotherapy patients

JIANG Lei,ZHOU Ting,LI Li,HUA Lin,JIANG Ni,TAO Jingnan,SUN Xiaomin,YAN Mei,GUAN Qiongyao Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To construct a scientific,specialized and applicable nursing sensitivity outcome index for cancer chemotherapy patients. Methods: Based on the Omaha system and the nursing outcomes classification,a preliminary entry pool was developed through literature research,and the proposed entry pool was expanded and revised through clinical status investigation.A pool of nursing sensitivity outcome indicators for cancer chemotherapy patients was formed through group discussion.The Delphi expert letter consultation method was used to establish nursing sensitivity outcome indicators for cancer chemotherapy patients,and the weights of each level of indicators were determined by analytic hierarchy process. Results: The recovery rates of three rounds of expert letter inquiry were 100.0%,90.9% and 100.0%,respectively.The expert authority coefficients were 0.913,0.955 and 0.955,respectively.Kendall 's W of three rounds of expert correspondence consultation were 0.203⁃0.250,0.247⁃0.261 and 0.205⁃0.225,respectively,and the results were statistically significant (<0.05).The nursing sensitivity outcome index for cancer chemotherapy patients was finally constructed,including 4 first⁃level indexes,13 second⁃level indexes and 43 third⁃level indexes. Conclusions: The nursing sensitivity outcome index for cancer chemotherapy patients was scientific,reliable,authoritative,specialized,and practical,and the weights distribution of all levels of indicators was reasonable.It can be used to measure patient nursing outcomes and provide reference for quantifying and evaluating the effect of nursing measures.

Construction of the evaluation index system of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses

YAO Pingping,SHI Xusheng,JIANG Yong,ZHOU Aixia,YANG Chunling Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To construct the evaluation index system of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses. Methods: Based on literature review and Delphi method,the evaluation index system of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses was constructed,and the weights of indicators at all levels were determined by AHP. Results: A total of 12 consulting experts were included in this study.Two rounds of expert correspondence were conducted.The effective questionnaire recovery rate were all 100%.The authority coefficients of the experts were 0.93 and 0.92.The Kendall's W coefficients of indicators at all levels in the two rounds of consulting were 0.119⁃0.205 and 0.161⁃0.339,respectively(<0.001).The evaluation index system of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses was finally constructed,including 3 primary indexes,10 secondary indexes and 53 tertiary indexes. Conclusion: The evaluation index system of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses was scientific,rigorous and reliable.It could provide quantitative basis for the training and evaluation of nursing information ability for new undergraduate standardized training nurses in medical institutions.

Chinese version of Care Challenge Scale and its reliability and validity test

ZHAO Shihong,DUAN Fei,MA Yingzhi,YANG Qin,XIAO Jiangqin Show Abstract  Online reading 

Objective: To translate the Care Challenge Scale(CCS) into Chinese,and to test its reliability and validity among family caregivers of patients with dementia,aiming to provide reliable tool for assessing the level of family caregivers care challenge in China. Methods: The scale was translated according to the Brislin translation model,and the Chinese version of CCS was developed through translated,back translation,expert consultation and pre⁃investigated.A total of 218 family caregivers of dementia patients were investigated to test the reliability and validity of the scale. Results: The Chinese version of CCS include two dimensions and 10 items,with two dimensions being lack of socio⁃economic support and effective role⁃playing challenges.The the scale⁃content validity index(S⁃CVI)was 0.938.The item⁃level content validity index(I⁃CVI) ranged from 0.875 to 1.000.Exploratory factor analysis extracted 2 common factors,and the cumulative contribution rate of variance was 64.578%.The total Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.881,and the Cronbach's α coefficients of each dimension were 0.911 and 0.764.The half coefficient was 0.702.The total test⁃retest reliability coefficient was 0.827,and the test⁃retest reliability coefficient of each dimension were 0.858 and 0.706. Conclusion: The Chinese version of CCS demonstrated good reliability and validity,which could be used as an assessment tool for the care challenges of patients with dementia.
Research review

Research progress on the application of multicomponent exercise in health promotion of older adults

XU Lijun,LI Shasha,YAN Renfu,NI Yingyuan,WANG Yuecong,LI Yue Show Abstract  Online reading 

This paper reviewed the concept,form,status quo of application of multicomponent exercise to promote health of the elderly,and the research progress of multicomponent exercise combined intervention with nutrition supplement,cognitive training and ADL training,in order to provide basis for the application of multicomponent exercise health intervention for the elderly.

Research progress of eHealth literacy among older adults

JIN Shixiao,LI Xiaohan Show Abstract  Online reading 

This paper reviewed the development of e⁃Health literacy concept,the status quo,influencing factors and intervention measures of e⁃Health literacy of the elderly,in order to provide reference for relevant research on e⁃Health literacy of the elderly.

Research progress of thirst nursing for perioperative patients

BIAN Mei,SHI Wen,GUO Xiaolan,PENG Yujuan,YANG Xin Show Abstract  Online reading 

Research progress of social participation in Parkinson's disease patients

FAN Wenfeng,MA Keke,YANG Caixia,GUO Yuanli Show Abstract  Online reading 

Research progress on influencing factors of living space for the elderly

BAI Yaqian,GUAN Hong,ZHAO Yining,GUO Yanan Show Abstract  Online reading 

Research progress of intraoperative hypothermia management in patients with severe trauma

MA Xiaomin,FU Adan,CHEN Rui,ZHANG Jing,ZHANG Yi Show Abstract  Online reading 

Comprehensive research

Effect of preventive measures for stroke⁃associated pneumonia based on evidence⁃based nursing in ICU patients with acute ischemic stroke

FU Hong,LI Hui,WANG Ying,HUO Jiajia,WANG Yixuan,GAO Yumeng,HU Shaohua,YAN Xiaoxiang,ZHOU Yueqin Show Abstract  Online reading 

Application effect of exercise intervention program in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

KANG Xinyun,YANG Jing,FU Jianmei,GAO Na,BAI Jie,DONG Chuang Show Abstract  Online reading 

Design and application of the new model of admission service for surgical patiens based on information platform

GONG Yuhong,ZHOU Peibin,ZHANG Shaoguo,HE Yasha,WANG Wentian,YANG Yang,WANG Li,LIU Yanmei,LIU Zishu Show Abstract  Online reading 

Status quo of "one specialty and multi⁃ability" community nurse training and nursing clinic establishment in communities of Shanghai city

ZHANG Xian,LIU Weiqun,LIU Jie,ZHU Yuan,GE Jinjin,JIANG Changying,SUN Wei,JU Shuqin Show Abstract  Online reading 

Perioperative nursing of a young child with low weight kidney transplantation

ZHENG Xiao,LOU Xiaoping,DU Yaze,GUO Hua,WANG Junxiang Show Abstract  Online reading